In this talk, Soukaina will discuss her current research The Black Sun of Renewal which takes as a point of departure Toni Maraini’s description of the trademark covers of Souffles (a cultural and poetry journal that served as a venue for experimental poetry and popular theatre, film, and debates) from 1966 to 1969. The latter displayed an intense black sun symbolising the rebellion against the artistic status quo and a manifesto for new aesthetics. Soukaina will present her line of investigation, which initially looked at the various narratives of modern art in Morocco through the developments of the Black Sun, and that is currently gravitating towards the question of how to think of a metaphor as a method of study. Leaving the rise and fall/visibility and invisibility narration behind, this research is now focusing on the image of The Black Sun as an archive and a device to narrate a historical moment.
Image by Don Wong